Nomes de alguns ásanas com suas denominações em inglês:
- Sukhasana (Easy posture)
- Sidhasana or Muktasana (Perfect or accomplished posture, or liberated posture)
- Brahmasana (Half lotus posture)
- Padmasana (Lotus posture)
- Vajrasana (Adamantine, diamond or thunderbolt posture)
- Urdhva mukha vajrasana (Upward facing adamantine, diamond or thunderbolt posture)
- Virasana (Hero posture)
- Laghu vajrasana or Paryankasana (Little thunderbolt, extended camel posture)
- Supta virasana (Reclining hero posture)
- Supta vajrasana (Reclining adamantine posture)
- Svastikasana (Svastika posture)
- Simhasana (Lion posture)
- Gomukhasana or Samkatasana (Cow face or face of light posture)
- Dhanurasana (Bow or archer posture)
- Ekapada dhanurasana (One-legged bow posture)
- Anuvittasana (Standing backbend)
- Dandayamana yoga mudrasana (Standing yoga seal)
- Akarna dhanurasana (Shooting bow or bow to ear posture)
- Savasana or Mrtasana (Corpse posture)
- Guptasana (Concealed posture)
- Matsyasana (Fish posture)
- Matsyendrasana (Matsyendra posture)
- Baddha ardha matsyendrasana (Bound Matsyendra posture)
- Gorakasana (Goraksa posture)
- Pascimottanasana or Ugrasana (Posterior-stretch or seated forward fold posture)
- Ardha utkatasana (Chair, intense or furious posture)
- Parivrtta utkatasana (Chair twist posture)
- Sankatasana (Contracted posture)
- Mayurasana (Peacock posture)
- Hamsasana (Swan posture, similar to mayurasana)
- Pincha mayurasana (Forearm balance or feathered peacock posture)
- Advadanta sirsasana or Ardha pincha mayurasana (Dolphin plank posture)
- Karanda vasana (Forearm balance in lotus posture)
- Kukkutasana (Cock or rooster posture)
- Kurmasana (Tortoise posture)
- Uttana kurmasana (Stretched tortoise posture)
- Uttana mandukasana (Kneeling Erect Frog posture)
- Mandukasana (Kneeling Frog posture)
- Vrksasana (Tree posture)
- Garudasana (Eagle or Twisted Root posture)
- Upavistha garudasana (Seated Eagle posture)
- Vrsabhasana (Ox posture)
- Salabhasana (Locust posture)
- Makarasana (Crocodile posture)
- Ustrasana (Camel posture)
- Bhujangasana or Nagasana (Cobra posture)
- Rajakapotasana or Raja bhujangasana (Royal Pigeon or King Cobra posture)
- Yogasana (Yoga posture)
- Cakrasana or Urdhva dhanurasana (Wheel posture)
- Supta pavana mukthasana or apanasana (Lying wind liberating posture)
- Pavana mukthasana (Wind liberating posture)
- Uttanapadasana (Foot stretch posture)
- Baddha padmasana (Bound lotus posture)
- Pranavasana (Pranava posture)
- Ardha naukasana or Ardha navasana (Half Boat posture)
- Paripurna naukasana or Paripurna navasana (Full Boat posture)
- Supta konasana (Reclining wide open angle or widespread plough posture)
- Upavistha konasana (Seated wide open angle forward fold posture)
- Baddha konasana a.k.a. bhadrasana (Cobbler or butterfly posture, a.k.a. blessed or gracious posture)
- Vikasitakamalasana (Blossoming lotus posture)
- Parivrtta vikasitakamalasana (Revolved blossoming lotus posture)
- Utthita vikasitakamalasana (Extended blossoming lotus posture)
- Mulabandhasana (Root lock posture)
- Supta baddha konasana (Goddess or Reclining Bound Angle posture)
- Vatayanasana or Utkata konasana (Goddess Horse posture)
- Vijaya asana (Victory squat posture)
- Bhunamanasana (Bowing-down posture)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand posture)
- Parshvaika pada sarvangasana (One leg to side Shoulderstand posture)
- Urdhva mukhasana (Upward facing posture)
- Urdhva hastothanasana (Upstretched arms posture)
- Urdhva baddhanguliyasana (Upward bound fingers posture)
- Urdhva baddha hastasana (Upward bound hands posture)
- Parvatasana or Viyogasana (Seated mountain posture)
- Ubhaya padangusthasana (Both big toe hold or V posture)
- Utthita hasta padangusthasana (Extended big toe hold posture)
- Padangusthasana (Foward fold big toe hold posture)
- Supta padangusthasana (Lying big toe hold posture)
- Garbhasana (Extended child posture)
- Balasana or Mudhasana (Fetus or Child posture)
- Garbha pindasana (Womb Embryo or Fetus posture)
- Brahmacaryasana (Celibacy posture)
- Utthita padmasana or Tolasana or Tulitasana (Uplifted lotus posture)
- Mrgasana (Deer posture)
- Yogadandasana (Yoga staff posture)
- Urdhva sarvangasana (Shoulderstand posture)
- Vikatasana (Formidable posture)
- Sirsa cakrasana (Sephalic-wheel posture)
- Asvatthasana (Holy fig-tree posture)
- Kanda pidasana or Kandasana (Knot posture)
- Ardha matsyendraasana (Half Matsyendra spine-twist posture)
- Bakasana (Crane posture)
- Tittibhasana (Lapwing posture)
- Viparitha sirsa dvihastha baddhasana
- Jhulasana (Swing posture)
- Sukhasana (Easy posture)
- Parivrtta sukhasana (Seated Twist posture)
- Janu sirsasana (Head to knee posture)
- Dandayamana janu sirsasana (Standing head to knee posture)
- Pavritta janu sirsasana (Revolved head to knee posture)
- Nadhisodanasana (Nadi purificatory posture)
- Vistra pada sarvangasana (Spread out feet shoulderstand posture)
- Ekapada bhujasana (Unilateral foot hand posture)
- Dvipada bhujasana (Bilateral foot hand posture)
- Sirsa janu sparsasana (Knee touching posture)
- Supta vrscikasana (Sleeping scorpion posture)
- Utthita dvipada kandharasana (Raised bilateral foot-shoulder posture)
- Utthita parsvakonasana (Extended side angle posture)
- Baddha utthita parsvakonasana (Bound extended side angle posture)
- Utthita trikonasana (Extended triangle posture)
- Parivrtta trikonasana (Revolved triangle posture)
- Sirsa angustha yogasana (head to big toe posture)
- Tadasana (Palmyra Palm Tree posture, a.k.a. samasthiti)
- Trikaya tadasana (Swaying palm tree posture, lateral stretch)
- Samasthiti (Equal standing posture)
- Samatvamasana (Toe balance posture)
- Khanjanasana (Wagtail posture)
- Ekahasta bhujasana (Unilateral hand-arm posture)
- Dhvi hasta bhujasana (Bilateral hand-arm posture)
- Janu bhumi sthirasana (Knee support posture)
- Pada hasthasana (Foot-hand posture)
- Ekapada kandharasana (Unilateral foot shoulder posture)
- Dvipada kanda rasana (Bilateral foot shoulder posture)
- Bhagasana (Vulval posture)
- Udarakarsanasana (Belly-suction posture)
- Tolagulasana (Finger balance posture)
- Purvothanasana (Anterior stretch or reverse plank posture)
- Catuspadapitham (Crab or tabe top posture)
- Dvipada viparita dandasana (Inverted two legged staff posture)
- Dvipada vistrisana (Spread out feet posture)
- Sirsasana (Headstand posture)
- Baddha hasta sirsasana (Bound hands headstand posture)
- Supta pada kandarasana (Lying foot on shoulder posture)
- Katicakrasana (Lumbar-wheel posture)
- Pretasana (Ghost posture)
- Pada skanda dandasana (Foot shoulder staff posture)
- Dandasana (Staff posture)
- Chaturanga dandasana (Four limbed staff posture)
- Halasana (Plough posture)
- Supta urdvha pada vajrasana (Lying Upward Foot Thunderbolt or Adamantine posture)
- Vistruta pada vikasa bhumi sparsasana
- Kakasana (Crow posture)
- Parsva kakasana (Side crow posture)
- Parsva bhuja dandasana (Dragonfly posture)
- Lolasana (Pendulum or pendant posture)
- Suptha padangustha nasa sparsasana (Lying toe & nose posture)
- Karna pidasana (Aural-press posture)
- Meru dandasana (Spine posture)
- Padangustha nasa sparsasana (Toe-nose posture)
- Catuskonasana (Four cornered posture)
- Kokilasana (Cuckoo posture)
- Vrscikasana (Scorpion posture)
- Bhuja vrscikasana (Scorpion handstand posture)
- Takiyasana (Pillow posture)
- Mayura padmasana (Peacock & lotus posture)
- Purna cakrasana (Complete wheel posture)
- Paksyasana vayuyanasana or Durvasasana (Baby Krishna or Irascible Sage Durvasa posture)
- Ruchikasana (Forward fold with foot behind the head posture)
- Visvamitrasana (Visvamitra posture, similar to vasisthasana)
- Kala bhairavasana (Black Bhairava posture, similar to visvamitrasana)
- Ekapada sirsasana or Kashyabasana (Foot behind the head or Kashyaba posture)
- Viranchyasana or Omkarasana (Viranchya foot behind the head posture)
- Kapilasana (Kapila pose, similar to Kashyabasana)
- Vatayanasana (Flying horse posture)
- Ardha urdhvasana (Half raised posture)
- Ardha chandrasana (Half moon posture)
- Parivrtta ardha chandrasana (Revolved half moon posture)
- Ashva sanchalanasa or banarasana (Lunge equestrian posture)
- Tribandhasana (Triple lock posture)
- Natarajasana (Lord of the Dances posture)
- Ganesha natarajasana (Lord Ganesha in Lord of the Dances posture)
- Parivrtta natarajasana (Shiva Twist posture)
- Vasisthasana (Side plank posture)
- Adho mukha dandasana (Plank posture)
- Camatkarasana (Wild thing posture)
- Hanumanasana (Monkey posture)
- Kailashasana (Posture of the Lord Kailasha, forward splits variation)
- Samakonasana (Centre splits posture)
- Pasasana (Noose posture)
- Krounchasana (Heron posture)
- Chakorasana (Partridge posture)
- Bhekasana (Frog posture)
- Ardha bhekasana (Half frog posture)
- Supta bhekasana (Sleeping or inverted frog posture)
- Kapotasana (Pigeon posture)
- Ekapada raja kapotasana (One-legged king pigeon posture, mermaid posture)
- Adho mukha ekapada raja kapotasana (Easy or Sleeping pigeon posture)
- Ekapada kapotasana (Pigeon posture, with one leg raised upwards)
- Bharadvajasana (Bharadvaja Twist posture)
- Marichyasana (Sage Twist posture)
- Utthita marichyasana (Standing or Extended Sage Twist posture)
- Yoga nidrasana (Yogic sleeping posture)
- Tittibhasana (Firefly posture)
- Parighasana (Gate posture)
- Parivrtta parighasana (Revolving beam or stargazer posture)
- Supta trivikramasana (Three stride posture)
- Adho mukha svanasana (Downward facing dog posture)
- Ekapada adho mukha svanasana (One leg downward facing dog posture)
- Urdhva mukha svanasana (Upward facing dog posture)
- Virabhadrasana (Warrior posture)
- Tuladandasana (Balancing Stick a.k.a. Virabhadrasana III)
- Virabhadra mudra (Warrior seal)
- Viparita karani (Legs up the wall or waterfall posture)
- Sucirandhrasana (Eye-of-the-needle posture)
- Anjaneyasana or Chandrasana (Salutation or crescent moon posture)
- Viparita virabhadrasana (Reverse warrior or exalted warrior posture, a.k.a anjaneyasana)
- Parivrtta parsvakonasana or Parivrtta anjaneyasana (Revolved extended side angle posture)
- Namaskar parivrtta parsvakonasana (Prayer twist extended side angle posture)
- Uttanasana (Standing forward fold posture)
- Urdhva mukha uttanasana (Upward face stretch posture)
- Parsva uttanasana or Parsvottanasana (Sideways-facing forward bend posture)
- Jathara parivartanasana (Supine or spinal twist posture)
- Sasangasana or Sasamgasana (Rabbit or Hare posture)
- Karnapidasana (Pressure on ears or spider posture, variation of plough posture)
- Setu bandha sarvangasana (Bridge posture, a.k.a. dvipada pitham)
- Cakravakasana (Ruddy Shelduck posture, original name of the cat-cow posture)
- Marjarasana or Bidalasana (Cat posture, round back)
- Bitilasana (Cow posture, backbend)
- Uttana shishosana (Extended puppy posture, similar to anahatasana)
- Anahatasana (Melting heart posture, variation of puppy posture)
- Agnistambhasana (Fire log or double pigeon posture)
- Ekapada bakasana (Flying Crow or one-legged crane posture)
- Ekapada galavasana (Sage Garlava posture, similar to Flying Crow posture)
- Koundinyasana (Koundinya scissors posture)
- Astavakrasana (Sage Astavakra posture)
- Adho mukha vrscikasana (Handstand posture)
- Dekasana (Airplane posture)
- Prasarita padottanasana (Standing straddle forward bend posture)
- Mukta hasta sirsasana (Tripod headstand posture)
- Paschima namaskarasana (Reverse prayer posture)
- Utthita tadasana (Five pointed star posture)
- Ananda balasana or Dwi pada yogadandasana (Happy baby or bug posture)
- Malasana or Utkatasana (Garland or squat posture)
- Prapadasana (Tiptoe posture)
- Kaliasana (Kali posture)
- Urdhva prasarita ekapadasana (Standing splits posture)
- Urdhva prasarita padasana (Extended leg raise posture)
- Trianga mukaikapda paschimottanasana (One leg forward fold posture)
- Ganda bherundasana (Locust scorpion or formidable face posture)
- Viparita salabhasana (Inverted grasshopper posture)
- Vamadevasana (Vamadeva Twist posture)
- Merudandasana (Balancing bear posture)
- Ardha merudandasana (Half balancing bear posture)
- Dandayamna baddha konasana (Balancing bound angle posture)
- Dradhasana (Firm side posture)
- Utthan pristhasana (Lizard posture, similar to pigeon posture, but elbows down)
- Kapinjalasana (Bird drinking raindrop posture)
- Surya yantrasana (Sundial posture)
- Sayanasana (Elbow balance posture)
- Astang Pranam or Astapadasana (Eight limbed or caterpillar posture)
- Mandalasana or Parivrittasana (Revolving posture)
- Nahushasana (Sage Nahusha posture)